So what are the challenges in upgrading the existing building infrastructure and how can intelligent technology based on the Internet of things overcome these challenges?
1、 Financing
Upgrading buildings seems to be an expensive cost, but the progress of the Internet of things means that this is no longer the case. Modern sensors can be connected wirelessly without expensive installation costs. Reduced energy and maintenance costs can achieve a rapid return on investment. Figures show that compared with the old system, the energy consumption of intelligent buildings is reduced by 20-40% and the operating expenditure is reduced by 8-9%.
2. Maintain
Predictive fault finding can save maintenance time and manpower, and minimize the downtime of expensive equipment or services. Some estimates show that intelligent enabled predictive maintenance is three to nine times cheaper than traditional passive methods. Tenants and residents are generally more satisfied because they can quickly identify, repair, and reboot systems that have experienced failures.
3. Design
Older buildings may not consider the design of intelligent technology, but the latest technology is usually compact and flexible, from IP input system to light switch to energy management system, making it easy to install even in the most difficult places. The wireless sensor has back glue, which can be simply pasted to the wall, desk or ceiling without tightening the screws or external fixation. The use of "repeater" or "signal intensifier" can overcome the thick wall that may sometimes cover Wi Fi signals, which helps to expand the application range of products.
4. Overall ecosystem
From safety to comfort and control, in the current and future smart engineering urban buildings, the main goal should be to establish an overall ecosystem that connects all things and is interoperable. Linking all the elements of an intelligent building into an easy-to-use system, from door access to emergency lighting to solar energy utilization and integration with electric vehicle solutions, can ultimately improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.
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