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Convenience store model or "export expansion" of small household appliance market

2020 is a "surprise harvest" year for the small household appliance industry. Facing the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the home-based lifestyle and the "home-based economy" are also open to stimulate the rapid growth of the small household electrical appliances market, which is striking at one time.

However, after 2020, the epidemic situation has stabilized, the epidemic prevention and control has become normalized, people's understanding and attitude towards the epidemic have also changed, daily life has returned to normal, and the fanatical demand for small household appliances has begun to cool down. After entering 2021, there has been an obvious "fever reduction" in the small household appliance market, and several categories that were once hot have shown signs of decline.

According to AVC's Omni channel promotion data, from January to July 2021, the retail sales of small household appliances (electric rice cooker, induction cooker, electric pressure cooker, soybean milk machine, wall breaker, mixer, juicer, electric kettle, frying and baking machine (electric cake pan, electric barbecue oven, multi-functional pot), electric steaming stew pot and health pot) totaled 27.95 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.7%; The retail volume was 133.01 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 8.9%.

Industry experts believe that the decline of the small household appliance market in 2021 is not unexpected: the return to the small household appliance market in 2020 does bring unexpected opportunities due to the emergence of the epidemic. However, such a market is established under the special epidemic background and has strong randomness. It is difficult to maintain such a state. In addition, small household appliance manufacturers are moved by the wind, Launching a large-scale marketing offensive and various live broadcasting activities with goods has overdrawn the future consumer demand. Coupled with the stability of the epidemic form and consumers going out of the home mode, the market will eventually return to rationality and return to daily life.

After the silence, small household appliance manufacturers also need to wake up from the frenzy, carefully examine the positioning of brands and products, solidly expand new channels and seek stable growth. In fact, in the subdivided channels, the decentralization of the scene is becoming a trend, which also brings the convenience store scene into people's vision.
In the traditional channels, small household appliances rely more on e-commerce platforms and home offline stores, and the combination of large supermarkets and stores was once popular. However, at the moment of emphasizing the entrance frequency, the high pass rate of convenience stores has brought a good opportunity to expand the small household appliance market.

First of all, compared with traditional channels, convenience stores win in passenger flow and FMCG frequency. Because most convenience stores sell FMCG, the passenger flow is stable and guaranteed, and the characteristics of FMCG bring high passing rate. In such a scenario, we can better tap the potential consumer demand of users. In particular, compared with the offline stores with strong purpose, convenience stores can screen users from a large number of high-frequency passenger flow, find potential user groups, and avoid direct competition.
Secondly, the convenience store is an excellent consumption node. Chain convenience stores are mostly distributed in a network, scattered in communities, office areas and business circles, like the "capillary" of urban consumption network. Compared with large supermarkets, they have more dense nodes and wider marketing scope. They can deeply contact consumer groups, direct consumption intentions and accurately develop "community traffic". This decentralized scene, For the consumption of small household appliances, it is more affinity and creative.

In addition, small household appliances and convenience stores share the concept of "convenience". The convenience store is fast and convenient, which brings great help to consumers. Both residents and office workers who patronize every day and business travelers who go out have "convenience" consumer demand, which coincides with the concept of many small household appliances, such as electric razors, hair dryers, portable electric fans, electric toothbrushes, etc, It can meet both emergency and daily needs, and can reflect the common concept of small household appliances and convenience stores.

However, industry experts also pointed out that it is not impossible for convenience stores to expand the export of small household appliances, but in the specific scene, it is better to select small household appliances that can be combined with the scene, can highlight the convenience and flexibility, and meet the FMCG style. Of course, if we have better ideas and develop expansive scenes to show the advantages of more types of small household appliances, we may be able to grasp the new air outlet and create new popular models.

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